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Complete Robotic Dispensing and High Precision Systems
Phone: 1-412-596-5948
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 Why NPT  >  Automated tools reduce operator training requirements 

Automated tools reduce operator training requirements

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New Precision Technology is constantly researching new machine features to benefit our customers. Not only do we attempt to resolve existing production issues, we attempt to anticipate future issues and develop solutions that integrate seamlessly with minimal production impact. Fifth generation devices now cross-communicate, leveraging our production systems so that the whole is far greater than the sum of the parts.

Traditional dispensing tools are faced with process variations such as : temperature, part variation, fixture variation, and even operator variation (!) that require continual manual adjustments in pressure, speed, and even path location. These circumstances encourage the evolution of a unique plant position - knobologist. With our tools and processes, we eliminate the knobologist. The inclusion of these tools into a machine transforms a standard CNC platform into a stand-alone, high-precision, low-cycletime gasket applicator.

Automated vision system sensing

Automated vision system sensing

    One tool used to reduce the impact of continual production variations is the automated vision system.... [See More]

Head Mounted Tactile Height Sensor

Head Mounted Tactile Height Sensor

Laser Needle Tip Calibrator

Laser Needle Tip Calibrator

    This unit uses a retro-reflective laser and sophisticated software to determine the actual dispense tip... [See More]


 Why NPT  >  Automated tools reduce operator training requirements 
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©2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 New Precision Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 81956
Pittsburgh, PA. 15217