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 Applications  >  Automated Fluid Dispensing: dots domes and pots  >  Doming 


Back To Automated Fluid Dispensing: dots domes and pots

Doming imparts a 3D effect on a 2D surface.  Rigid molded parts are often domed to imbue a "jewel-like" quality to an emblem or logo.  Domes can also be a key part of optical assemblies, in effect becoming lenses for LEDs.  Frequently, domes are formed on label stock in a converting process.  Some label dome applications are forced to ensure that the carrier for the label stock has a low surface energy and the label itself has a high surface energy to make up for poor machine precision with better "wetting" of material.  When precison is required, New Precision Technology's CP16 and ICP platforms are up to the task, easing this requirement.


  1. An array of labels to be domed resting on a vacuum pallet
  2. A dome being formed
  3. Program view
  4. 3D translucent dome profile evaluation

  1. Label Doming
  2. Name badge doming

  1. Uvexs 451 Doming Compound

 Applications  >  Automated Fluid Dispensing: dots domes and pots  >  Doming 
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