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Complete Robotic Dispensing and High Precision Systems
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   >  ICP Hardware Advances  >  High-speed dispensing 

High-speed dispensing

Back To Integration: Batch, Dial, and Conveyor

Some applications demand high throughput that traditional batch mode machines like NPT's CP systems cannot supply.  To address this need, NPT's ICP systems can be married to a rotary indexer so that concurrent operations can be done.  Operator load/unload no longer adds to the overall cycle time as parts are loaded/unloaded on a separate "leaf" from the dispensing work area.  The rotary indexer can be outfitted with a grid fixture to allow flexible palleting options, and each "leaf" can address a process - UV cure stations, inspection stations, and even other dispensing stations.  Modular design allows the user to add leaf operations over time, as the production environment dictates.

More advanced processes can be incorporated as well: automated part load and unload, scanning, and even integration with automated molding machines is possible.  


  1. High throughput is a key competitive edge!
  2. Flexible fixturing means simple product changeover!

  1. Part one of a gasket run (Dymax GA-107)
  2. Part two of a gasket run (Dymax GA-107)

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