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 Applications  >  Other Automation  >  Marking 


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CP systems can employ a number of marking methods. Whether filling in injection molded parts with various paints and inks, utilizing high speed reciprocating carbide marking pins, or employing an ink jet head to print text, the CP platform has the tools to ensure marks are placed accurately and consistently.

Part marking horizontal and vertical

Part marking horizontal and vertical

    CP systems can employ a number of marking methods. Whether filling in injection molded parts with various paints and inks, utilizing high speed reciprocating carbide marking pins, or employing an ink jet head to print text, the CP platform has the tools to ensure marks are placed accurately and consistently. Markings can be conformal coated as well. Video one shows marking in the case of a flat object and video two shows the same marking done in a vertical orientation.


  1. Auminum Serial ID plate marking
  2. Nickel Plated Steel marking
  3. 3D scan analysis of marking

  1. Standard horizontal marking
  2. Vertical marking

 Applications  >  Other Automation  >  Marking 
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