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Complete Robotic Dispensing and High Precision Systems
Phone: 1-412-596-5948
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 Services  >  New Application Development  >  Project Direction 

Project Direction

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The very first thing we do at New Precision Technology is study the assembly situation. This includes not only the application, but also the level of integration, surrounding plant resources, and operator personnel. We can also utilize our cumulative experiences with processes and make recommendations on materials, curing, packaging, and fixturing. We have likely handled many other types of problems similar to yours, and we can provide a feasibility assessment for the task you are proposing.
Our goal at this stage is to gather enough information to make our base platform selection - benchtop, stand-alone, pallet-conveyor, in-line conveyor, batch-dial, or in-line dial.


  1. CP16 Base
  2. ICP Base
  3. Head Types

 Services  >  New Application Development  >  Project Direction 
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©2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 New Precision Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 81956
Pittsburgh, PA. 15217