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 Applications  >  Spraying Conformal Coating Masking  >  UV Conformal Coating 

UV Conformal Coating

Back To Spraying Conformal Coating Masking

Conformal coating is a standard application for NPT.  Whether UV or silicone, the CP16-3 and CP16-4 excel in maximum coating utilization, minimizing waste of material.  Equipping the unit with digital pressure sensors for material and atomize pressures, laser-based coating thickness measurement, and spray pattern sensing all serve to reduce operator error and ensure consistent throughput.  Multiple valve types and theta axis mounts for valves can be used on one machine to handle any obstacle on the substrate.  UV cure units can also be integrated directly into the work envelope, to provide a fully cured product upon pattern program completion.  


  1. Dow Corning 3-1753 100% solids coating

  1. Video 1

 Applications  >  Spraying Conformal Coating Masking  >  UV Conformal Coating 
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