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 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 

Step 1: FIP Gasket Height Calculator

Part Fitting Specifications
Height-to-Width Ratio:
Implementation Style:
Spacing Height:
Compression Set: %
Channel Width:
Calculation Results
Gasket Size
Height Width Area
Click here for details on the calculations

This calculates an ideal FIP gasket height and width by taking into account the compression set of the material and the volume of space the gasket expands into when compressed. Several different gasket profiles and compression stop configurations are offered. These configurations also serve to illustrate key considerations when designing for re-seal-able gasket configurations.

Good FIP gasket design includes rounded contact points and reasonable clearance or esa large volume of space around the gasket.

 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 
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P.O. Box 81956
Pittsburgh, PA. 15217