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Complete Robotic Dispensing and High Precision Systems
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 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 

Step 2: FIP Gasket Material Usage Calculator

Gasket Specifications
Height-to-Width Ratio:
Gasket Height Max:
Gasket Height Min:
Gasket Length:
Container Cost: dollars
Desired Dispense Time: sec
Calculation Results
Volume Cost
Mean: dollars
Min: dollars
Max: dollars
Gaskets Per Container
Dispense Rate
Click here for details on the calculations

This calculates the volume of the gasket and the required dispense rate for the gasket. This also provides the gasket material cost and the number of gaskets a particular container could provide. Since all dispense setups have some variability, resulting numbers may not match actual measurements.

 Tools and Resources  >  Step 1: Gasket Height  |  Step 2: Gasket Material  |  Step 3: Pressure Drop  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage  |  Conformal Coat Usage 
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P.O. Box 81956
Pittsburgh, PA. 15217